Spetisbury Country Day is run by a team of volunteers from the village, surrounding area and beyound.
Planning for the bi-annual event starts 18 months before hand with monthly meetings. As the event grows closer the core team help make stalls and side shows and start to involve the wider team for their activities on the day.
The day involves many from the village from traffic control and car parking, running the Pimms or tea and coffee tent and greeting guests as part of the gate team. The charity raffle, side shows and many more activities are all supported by the Spetisbury community of volunteers. Without the support of the village the event would not be possible.
The fields used by the event are farmed fields. We are very grateful to the landowners and farmers for not only allowing us to use the fields, but for being so accommodating in their busy farming schedules to make time for the event.
Alongside the volunteers many local business give their time or financial support to the event. Sponsorship, raffle prizes, facilities and goods. We very much appreciate their support.
If you would like to be involved we would love to hear from you.
The Core Team
Zara, Phil, John and Andy work to plan the event with much support from the event mascot cocker spaniel, Nell.